
It’s All The Rage

August 5, 2008

As we’ve previously mentioned, blog memes (or whatever you prefer to call them) are pretty popular in our line of professional, hardcore work. After all, coming up with new, original topics, day in and day out, is a prescription for suddenly snapping in the produce aisle of the supermarket and brandishing a zucchini with intent to kill. So when a blogger comes up with an interesting idea and/or topic, the rest of us go “HM!”, and with a finger perched on our wizened chins, we cut, paste, and modify so that our college professors can’t nail us for plagiarism.

In effect, it’s as if one blogger starts a forum thread and everyone responds, except scattered all over the place like a demented forum scavenger hunt.

Case in point: Keen recently posted about “What you can expect from us in WAR”, concerning what their grand plans were. I was disappointed. There was NO mention of a parade in my honor. But apparently people cared, quite deeply, about the future plans of Mr. Keen and Dr. Graev, so it got bloggers going “HM!” all over again.

Snafzg followed suit with his lofty “State O’ Da Greenskin”, which he didn’t even title with proper English! Sheesh! Then Cogworks played “me too!” by releasing “My Plans”. After reading all three of these things, I realize that this topic is at a crucial juncture. Just ONE more post in this vein could keep it going forever… if not, it might die like a withered dream in October.

So it’s up to me, and a lazy, lazy Tuesday morning that I’m taking off of work. Let’s get rolling, people!


  1. I will eliminate all kittens, cats, felines and cat-related furries from the world by the time of Warhammer’s launch, just so that I won’t be distracted.
  2. I will convince Paul Barnett to be my godfather. The mafia type, where he mumbles a lot and I have to kiss his ring and ask for special favors. That kind of went to a weird place.
  3. I will play one character completely naked up to level 40, then write an article on the experience so that 1,022 people can link to it with the phrase “Is this guy NUTS?”
  4. I will engage in an unusual source of revenue by retitling this blog “Hannah Montana Presents: WAAAAGH! A Warhammer Online Blog and Jam Session”.
  5. I will do an entire ChaosCast whilst muttering voodoo curses under my breath aimed at Snafzg.
  6. I will film and post a fingerpuppet presentation of RvR, with the pinky playing the role of the whiny little kid who thinks his DPS is all that and a bag of chips, but then thumb and ring finger team up to break his spine.
  7. I will take up origami. Oh wait, I already do that.
  8. I will begin every conversation I have in September with the word “WAAAGH!” and hope that people only take it as a sympathetic neurological disorder.
  9. I will write an article, then divide it up into 150 posts so that you have to wear out your scroll button just to read my words of wonderment.
  10. I will play Vanguard instead. That looks like an awesome game!


  1. what is this plan thing you speak of?

    (awesome stuff, as always, kept me entertained while I had my lunch break from.. um.. slacking. It’s hard work this reading lark)

  2. Sounds like you have good plan for the future. Plan on a macro “We’re going streakin'”

  3. I will play one character completely naked up to level 40, then write an article on the experience so that 1,022 people can link to it with the phrase “Is this guy NUTS?”

    And for those who crossed your path during this time, they can say they saw your nuts…sounded better in my head (that went to a weird place).

  4. “I will play one character completely naked up to level 40, then write an article on the experience so that 1,022 people can link to it with the phrase “Is this guy NUTS?” ”

    Okay, this can be taken completely out of text if you read it another way…and people already do that…but you will still be nuts.

  5. Vanguard, eh? Do tell me more of this wonderous game. I must get my hands on it.

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